Congratulations to The Northwest School on Winning the WA Regional Euro Challenge Competition!
March 9th, 2016
Results just in....
In first place--and the team advancing to the National Euro Challenge Finals in NYC next month--is The Northwest School!
9th and 10th grade students Adele, Mia, and Tessa gave a 15 minute presentation on the Banking Union and Financial Stability in Greece, and participated in a 10 minute Q & A session with judging panels in Washington D.C. and New York. Judges were impressed by the students' breadth of knowledge on issues related to the Euro Zone, and by their ability to relay complex information with clarify and confidence. The competition was entirely virtual, but Global Classroom had the chance to tune in and watch the students shine!
The team will travel to New York City for the National Euro Challenge Competition next month, and will go up against teams from across the U.S. This is the first Washington team ever to compete in the National Euro Challenge Competition, and we wish Adele, Mia, and Tessa the best of luck!
In second place was Glacier Peak High School.
Kyle, Evan, Cole, and Aidan, and Alexander presented on Rising Inequality and Social Spending in Austria, and did an excellent job outlining Austria's unique role in the European Union.
The Euro Challenge national competition for 9th and 10th grade students tests their knowledge and understanding of the European economy and the euro, the currency shared by many of the 28 countries of the European Union (EU).
Student teams are asked to make 15-minute presentations in which they are required to:
1. Describe the current economic situation in the euro area (the economic region consisting of the 19 EU member countries who have adopted the euro).
2. Select one economic-related challenge confronting the euro area as a whole, and pick one of the 19 member countries of the euro area to illustrate that challenge.
3. Recommend a policy or policies for addressing the challenge you identified in the country you selected. Be sure to include in your recommendation a discussion of how having a single currency may or may not affect the policy choices for addressing the challenge.
Finalists will travel to New York City for the National Euro Challenge Competition from April 18th-April 20th
In 2015, the top five winning teams received monetary awards generously provided by The Moody’s Foundation. The awards were $1,250 for each member of the first-place team, $1,000 each for second place, $750 each for third place, $500 each for fourth place, and $250 each for fifth place. The Moody’s Foundation also sponsored a trip to Washington, D.C. for the two top teams of 2015. We anticipate similar prize levels for 2016.
Eligibility Requirements:
• High schools from all over the Unites States are eligible to participate in the Euro Challenge.
• The participation of one team, consisting of three to five 9th and 10th grade students in global studies, economics, world history/geography or European studies classes.
• One faculty advisor for the school team. Advisers will be invited to attend online or in-person orientations, and are required to attend the Euro Challenge competition rounds with their student team.
For more information about the Euro Challenge, visit
And to learn about how your school can be a part of this program for next year, email