IVLP Programs: May 2018
May 1st, 2018
Preventing Trafficking in Children: A group of 5 visitors from Ukraine will visit Seattle to explore the role of multi-level government branches in addressing trafficking in children, U.S. anti-trafficking policies and legislations, and multi-sector collaboration in supporting child victims.
Regional Responses to Refugee and Migration Issues: A group of 12 visitors from Europe will visit Seattle to examine intergovernmental policies and initiatives to resettle and integrate refugees, as well as to explore opportunities for international cooperation on refugee issues, including combating discrimination.
Combating Trafficking in Persons II: A group of 21 visitors from around the world will visit Seattle to meet with government agencies, law enforcement, educators, NGOs, and advocacy groups to examine how the U.S. public and private sectors collaborate to end trafficking, both domestically and internationally.
International Regional Organizations and the Power of Unity: A group of 8 visitors from East Asia and the Pacific will visit Seattle to examine U.S. foreign policy strategies and identify characteristics of effective international organizations in relation to developing multilateral coalitions.
Global Health – Building Country Capacity: A group of 16 visitors from around the world will visit Seattle to learn how to build international cooperation around vital health challenges, examine local and state efforts to promote preventative screening and wellness programs, and network with professional counterparts to increase information sharing and transparency.
U.S.-UK CVE Community Leaders Program: A group of 10 visitors from the United Kingdom will visit Seattle to examine community led strategies and advocacy efforts for addressing hate speech, discrimination, and extremism.
Disability Access and Inclusion: A group of 6 visitors from around the Japan will visit Seattle to observe American values of inclusion, U.S. policies that support people with disabilities, and learn from organizations that empower this population through work opportunities, technology, and protection of rights.