IVLP Programs: September 2020
September 1st, 2020
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Department of State's Office of International Visitors has postponed in-person exchange programs for the rest of 2020. Virtual meetings will instead be arranged for the following programs:
Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Workforce Development: A group of 4 professionals from Canada will have virtual meetings with their Seattle counterparts to exchange views about the the impending impact of artificial intelligence on workforce planning and adaptation as well as how to prepare future generations to adapt to the new creative economy.
eLearning: Educating in Virtual Spaces: A group of 15 visitors from Brazil, Cabo Verde, and São Tomé and Príncipe will have a virtual program that will assess how new technologies can be integrated into existing curriculum and how it impacts student learning, including the advantages and disadvantages.
Youth Empowerment and Civic Engagement: A group of 9 alumni of the Patchwork Foundation Masterclass program in the United Kingdom will have virtual meetings with thought leaders in the United States to explore new and innovative approaches to ensuring political, civic, and economic empowerment of young people from diverse backgrounds.