Reflections From Turkey: Exploring Politics, Culture, and Cuisine
March 5th, 2016
Join us on Saturday, March 5th for a day of Turkish cuisine, culture, and current affairs!
Turkey has had a growing presence in world news, and is at the epicenter of some of the most complex geopolitical concerns of this century. There are 1.9 million Syrian refugees currently registered in Turkey, with many more entering each day; unfolding conflicts with Russia, the Kurds, and regional powers have unknown ends; and Turkey’s role in the Middle East and Europe continues to evolve against increasingly intricate factors. Learn more about what is happening on the ground in Turkey, and how history and culture shape Turkey’s politics in often unexpected ways.
Dr. Onur Bakiner, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Seattle University, will lead a discussion on Turkish history, culture, and contemporary politics, with a focus around underlying socio-historical factors that impact current affairs.
A light lunch will be provided by students in Newport High School’s culinary class, who will share their cooking skills and knowledge of Turkish food with us.
We will also be joined by a cohort of Washington teachers who participated in the 2015 Study Tour of Turkey. Teachers will present original lesson plans and ideas for teaching about Turkey, as well as their impressions from the trip.
All are welcome!
Attendance at this workshop is mandatory if you are a Washington teacher or principal interested in participating in this summer’s Study Tour of Turkey, sponsored by the Turkish Cultural Foundation and the World Affairs Council of America. This is the 10th consecutive year that the World Affairs Council of Seattle will send Washington educators on an almost-all-expenses-paid tour of Turkey through the Spotlight on Turkey program, and we hope that this fascinating workshop will inspire your participation.
As always, educators will receive 3 professional development clock hours, and interdisciplinary curricular resources to help bring Turkey to their classrooms!
The Spotlight on Turkey program is a joint collaboration between the Turkish Cultural Foundation and the World Affairs Councils of America (WACA). This is the tenth year of this national educational program for American educators. Organized through TCF and WACA with a network of WACA affiliates nationwide, the program is funded by a major grant from TCF and features Teacher Workshops on Turkey, Teacher Study Tours to Turkey, and a series of cultural programs for the general public titled Portrait of Turkey.