Transforming Gender Norms in the Middle East and North Africa
November 1st, 2017
So much of what we hear about the Middle East and North Africa today revolves around conflict, division, and instability. Less commonly are we presented stories about diversity, development, strength, and progress. Challenge the narrative of negativity, and learn more about what good is being done in the region. Join us on Wednesday, November 1, for a special Educator’s Workshop featuring visiting NGO and development workers from Egypt and Tunisia.
Learn directly from the activists and change-makers on the ground, and leave equipped with knowledge and curricular resources to tell your students a different story about the Middle East and North Africa.
Workshop Moderator: Nova Robinson, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the International Studies department of College of Arts and Sciences at Seattle University. Her research is positioned at the intersection of Middle Eastern history, women’s history, and the history of international governance. She is working on a book manuscript provisionally titled, Arab Women and International Women’s Rights, 1910-1965.